About Me

Hello!! I am Master student at Data Science Program of USF, and will be graduating this coming Agust, 2021, and I have an undergraduate degree at UC Davis in Statistics and Economics. My interests include Data Analysis and Finance, Recently, I’ve found a great passion for Data Science and Machine Learning, and will devote myself to exploitation in this area. Also I am a semi-professional GO player with 4 Dan certification.

Right now, I’m currently working as a Data Scientist intern at LexisNexis, mainly focus on natural language processing in the Legal domain. Having a lot of fun working there as well as having a good time with my coworkers :)

This website basically serves as a playground for me to share some of my study and projects in a more accessible manner and explore the use of data to communicate ideas. I used to code predominantly in R but now primarily in Python.


Featured Projects

Machine Learning Algos Implemantation

ML Algo from scratch with Python and Numpy.

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NER with Continous Bag of Word Model (CBOW)

Name Entity Recognization with CBOW in PyTorch.

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Feature Selection in Machine Learning

Compute and compare feature importance with various mechanisms in ML with rent data.

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Recipe Generation with RNN

Apply Character-based RNN to generate recipe in PyTorch

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Topic Modeling LDA & NMF(coming soon)

Apply LDA and NMF on Jeopardy QA pairs .

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